Her name literally means "Golden Old Lady". [1] According to Helmold's Chronica Slavorum (compiled 1168–1169), "obeying the duties assigned to them, [the deities] have sprung from his [the supreme God's] blood and enjoy distinction in proportion to their nearness to the god of the gods".[2]. Another name of the god is, Domovoy is the household god, warden of the hearth. Marzanna, the Goddess of Winter and Death Marzanna is the deity associated with the death and dying of the earth as winter moves in. — С. The procession, still singing, walks back to the village. Dažbog - Sun god, possibly a culture heroand a source of wealth and power 2. Perun- God of thunder and lightning 5. Among the Balts, Velnias or Velns is male, but there is also a Velu Mate ("Mother of the Souls"). She is a South Slavic concept similar to the East Slavic Dolya–Nedolya. The Indo-European root *. She is often described as young, green and cheerful creature with black eyes, resembling Roman mountain nymph. Unlike most gods and goddesses in polytheistic religions, monotheistic deities have traditionally been portrayed in their mythologies as commanding war in order to spread their religion. Goddess of harmony, merriment, youth, love and beauty. Zhiva). [24] According to Rasmus Rask and August Schleicher, this is due to the fact that the Slavs and Germans have a common root. республиканский центр русского фольклора, "Кем был Дед Мороз раньше, и почему встреча с ним могла закончиться смертью", Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, "Non-Iranian origin of the Eastern-Slavonic god Xŭrsŭ/Xors", "The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav", "The Dyadic Goddess and Duotheism in Nodilo's, "Chthonic aspects of the Pomeranian deity Triglav and other tricephalic characters in Slavic mythology", Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Slavic Native Faith's calendars and holidays, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Deities_of_Slavic_religion&oldid=1019076597, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. With the eldest daughter, we have read a lot of literature on this topic, as it is in mythology that often hides many answers to questions that humanity asks itself to this day. In: The hypothesis that Berehynia is a major goddess is argued by Halyna Lozko, leader of the Federation of Ukrainian Rodnovers. She is the daughter of Lada and Svarog/Swaróg. Tags: goddessgodsmoranamythologypaganpaganismslavicslavs, Your email address will not be published. She was opposed by Demeter, goddess of grain and the harvest with whom Ovid wrote Limos could never meet, and Plutus, the god of wealth and the bounty of rich harvests. Jul 11, 2013 - Morana Slavic goddess of death #mythology, #Goddess, #pagan Our ancestors used to burn a doll that represented Morena in order to to chase away winter, death and disease. Some theories claim her name is derived from the same Indo-European root as the Latin mors, ‘death,’ and Russian mor, ‘pestilence’. Alongside local folklore groups, schoolchildren and young people participate in the celebrations with other residents. Vodianoy is a tutelary deity, or are tutelary deities, of waters (cf. The day of Mary, the goddess of Life and Death, after the onset of Christianity, turned into Maslenitsa. We would like to thank Igor Ozhiganov who has contributed to Slavic Chronicles by sharing his illustrations. From a Slavic root meaning "death, plague". Афанасьев — Народные русские сказки А. Н. Афанасьева. It is in crossing the comfort zones and visiting our shadowed selves that we can empower ourselves spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, and physically. Freyja is a popular goddess in Norse mythology regarded for her … Lada - The goddess of the earth, love, spring, beauty, and harmony. In some places (such as Brynica – a district of Miasteczko Śląskie), a feast is thrown afterwards to celebrate the beginning of spring. They can sometimes be attributed to: have wings, transform in various animals such as wolves, send ravens/crows as messengers[citation needed], ride white-gray deer or bears, shoot arrows. View Larger Image; In the Eastern and South Eastern Europe, many centuries ago when people still believed in the old gods, demons and other creatures, a mysterious entity was inciting fear in the hearts of many brave men. However, Germanic gods never rose to prominence over Slavic ones in Wendish religion. We cannot consider Morana to be an evil goddess since there is no pure good or pure evil in paganism. A major temple dedicated to him was located at, Goddess of hunting and of the forests. As the soil goes cold and the crops die, Marzanna dies as well, only to be reborn in the spring as Lada. В 3-х тт. The ancient Slavic Goddess Baba Yaga is the wild old crone guardian of the Water o… They are sometimes young and beautiful, other times old and revolting. [76] Male solar deities are generally assumed to be descended from the Zoroastrian Hvare-khshaeta on the basis of etymology,[26] though this has been contested. Marzanna (in Polish) or Morena (in Czech, Slovak, Russian) or also Mara, Maržena, Morana, Moréna, Mora or Marmora is a Slavic goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. The Wends, including those who dwelt in modern-day northern and eastern Germany and were later Germanised, or other never-Germanised West Slavs, also worshipped deities of common Slavo-Germanic origin, as documented by Bernhard Severin Ingemann. The second is even more obscure, and seems to be less celebrated very year: Two weeks before Easter the Slavic goddess of death, Morana, is either drowned or burned to make the fallowness of winter finally leave the fields so Vesna, the goddess of spring, can return. Basic information from Mathieu-Colas 2017. She is also called Deva, meaning the "Young Lady" or simply "Goddess", regarded as the singular goddess of whom all lesser goddesses are manifestations;[34] Baba, meaning the "Old Lady", "Crone", "Hag";[30] and Krasopani, meaning the "Beautiful Lady". [145] [142]. They are said to be found in woods, mountains, near fairy rings, near water sources where they bathe (especially near dictamnus albus[citation needed]) or in contrast dwelling in graveyards, dangerous places and to build invisible cities below the clouds when they are associated with malice. [74][75] Its etymology probably goes back to the Indo-European root *ghers, and Indo-Aryan *hrs, *ar, *r, comprising the semantic field of "to move rightly", "upwardly", and "to praise". A handmade Marzanna (and often also Marzaniok dolls, the male counterpart to Marzanna) is carried to the nearest river, lake or pond by a procession consisting of men, women and children. The effigy can range in size from a puppet to a life-size dummy. MORANA (Maržanna, Mara, Maržena, Morana, Moréna, Mora, Marmora or Morena) was a Slavic goddess of winter and death. She is also associated with the sun during the … Hunger, cold, disease and pain. She lives in a house built of human bones. Nemiza was regarded both as a calamity for bringing death, and as a beneficial figure for introducing the soul to a new life. Modern depiction of seven major deities from Slavic theology: Svarog, Dazhbog, Xors, Veles, Perun, Mokosh and Svarozhich. We have already learned about Perun, the thunder god, Morena, the goddess of death, and let’s not forget the forefather of all Slavic gods, Rod… but have you heard of Veles, the mysterious King of the Slavic underworld? Iuda/Iuda-Samodiva generally refers to an evil spirit (or to Judas if used as a given name). The general Slavic term for "god" or "deity" is бог bog, whose original meaning is both "wealth" and its "giver". Some authors also likened her to a mare, an evil spirit in Germanic and Slavic folklore, associated with nightmares and sleep paralysis. The history of Slavic mythology is very interesting. Traditional songs are sung, and effigies of Marzanna are thrown into the water. For that reason, Slavic mythology bears some similarities to the Norse, Celtic, and Scythian mythologies and beliefs. She was also the symbol of the end of the physical life … As the goddess of winter, she was never popular among the Old Slavs, which is understandable if we have in mind the climate in which they used to live. The word Korochun comes from Proto-Slavic *korčunŭ ("step forward")[155] or kračati ("make steps"). Zorya Utrennyaya ("Morning Light"), often conflated with Zvezda Dennitsa; Cooper, Brian (2006). As spring nears, the feast of Maslenitsa is held, in which people dress a … She is described as a plainly dressed woman able to turn herself into various shapes. Her opposite is Zivena (i.e. — Т. Morana shows us how our ancestors, even though they were scared of some parts of nature, still chose to respect and admire it. Keres, goddesses of violent death, sisters of Thanatos; Lampades, torch-bearing underworld nymphs; Limos was the goddess of starvation in ancient Greek religion. God of the storm, wind and thunder. They are so beautiful that they bewitch young men and might bring them to death by drawing them into deep water. She is compared to the Indic. You might notice similarities reminding us of the interplay between the Cailleach and Brighid here in Ireland. The mysterious entity went by many names. Warrior god and tutelary deity of Rügen. It is usually observed around the spring equinox – March 21. [77] Conversely, the sun is usually depicted as female in Slavic folklore (cf. His name literally means "Whistler" or "Blower". Slavic folk belief holds that the world organises itself according to an oppositional and yet complementary cosmic duality through which the supreme God expresses oneself, represented by Belobog ("White God") and Chernobog ("Black God"), collectively representing heavenly-masculine and earthly-feminine deities, or waxing light and waning light gods, respectively. Leshy is the tutelary deity of forests, with a wife (Leshachikha) and children (leshonky). [7], All bright male gods, especially those whose name has the attributive suffix -vit, "lord", are epithets, denoting aspects or phases in the year of the masculine radiating force, personified by Perun (the "Thunder" and "Oak"). She is the goddess of death, rebirth, rural places and young plants. They occur commonly in both monotheistic and polytheistic religions. In the Kalevala of the Finnish mythology is also a "Frost" named figure (Pakkanen), a son of Louhi. God representing the young, winter sun returning after solstice. Ny is the god of the underworld who acts as. [31] The ancient Slavs offered bread, cheese and honey to Rod–Rozanica. The goddess Mara, sometimes ‘Marzanna’, in Slavic Paganism represented the death and rebirth of nature, particularly the end of winter and the beginning of spring. She has been compared to the Greek Aphrodite and the Indic Lakshmi,[29] but especially to the Roman Juno, female consort of the supreme God, whom collectively represented the Junones, the Norse Disir, the spirits of female lineages who determined fate. In Poland, this is often performed during a field trip by children in kindergarten and primary school. The Slavic goddess of winter and death, Morana or Marzanna, as she is sometimes better known, is more often associated with rituals celebrating her leaving as opposed to her arrival these days. But what about the Slavic mythology? Slavs $20.22 Availability: In stock 3 - 4 pcs -+ Add in your basket (catalogue number: SBH19) Favourites Remove from favourites. Please check out his other work here. Mathieu-Colas explains his name as "Lord of Rugia"; Chimerical or draconian figure compared to the Persian. Morana, Slavic Goddess of Death. Goddess of spring and mercy, daughter of Lada. [33], Both the sun god and the moon god, Dazhbog and Jutrobog, are often qualified as "Xors"[δ], a title which finds many equivalents in Indo-Iranian (cf. They have been compared to the Greek Nymphs. They are now simply a pastime – an occasion to have fun, and along the way celebrate the beginning of spring. God of boundaries and of the delimitation of properties. These spirits are considered able to leave the body during the sleep, wandering about the world, the skies and the underworld. He is celebrated on. Jan 30, 2019 - It is only through examination of our dark side that we can hope to be reborn. She is the goddess of death, rebirth, rural places and young plants. Saqaliba – Slavs in the Arab World, Part 1, The Way of The Tribe – Svarog Srbija [interview], Bereginya – The Slavic Spirit of Protection. Slavic mythology was most widespread just before the adoption of Sometimes the effigies are first set on fire, or their clothes are torn. His name literally means "Emperor (cf. 1. He is an aspect, name, or associate of. Your email address will not be published. It is usually declared that Slavic mythology and Slavic gods originate from Proto-Indo-European mythology and it emerged during the 2nd to 1st millennium BCE. Poland, this page was last edited on 21 April 2021, 11:42! At, goddess of winter and death, but at the same time goddess of knowledge, mastery, exploration. Fate ) as spring nears, the victory over death, rebirth, rural places and young plants cycle life. Proto-Indo-European root * mar-, * mor-, signifying death similarities reminding us of the fate bestowed a! 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